Solomon Islands resources
Key policy and technical resources relating to climate change, sourced from Solomon Islands. These include resources from central and local government agencies, and non-government organisations.

National Climate Change Policy 2012-2017
Link to document on SPREP website.
The National Climate Change Policy 2012-2017, produced by Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, is the key overarching policy statement on climate change for Solomon Islands. It includes provisions relevant to both climate change adaptation (referring out to the National Adaptation Programme of Action 2008) and mitigation.

Nationally Determined Contributions 2015
Solomon Islands published its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in September 2015 (link to document on Pacific Climate Change Portal website). These include mitigation actions - see page 9 of the NDC document.

National Adaptation Programmes of Action 2008
Link to document on Prevention Web website.
The National Adaptation Programmes of Action 2008 (NAPA) The NAPA "…prioritizes and ranks key sectors of the economy that require urgent and immediate [climate] adaptation to solicit funding and enable technology transfer" (page 3).

National Disaster Management Plan 2018
Link to document on National Disaster Management Office website.
The National Disaster Management Plan 2018 (the Plan) was produced by the National Disaster Council in February 2018. The Plan requires, among other things, provincial governments to prepare their own Provincial/City Disaster Management Plans.

National Development Strategy 2016-2035
Link to document on Asian Development Bank website.
The National Development Strategy 2016-2035 (NDS) "maps out a strategic direction for the future development of Solomon Islands" (page 2 of the NDS) This is in line with a National Vision, "improving the Social and Economic Livelihoods of all Solomon Islanders".
The NDS includes strategies around climate change and disaster resilience (see NDS Objective 4, page 13), and environmental sustainability (see for example Medium Term Strategy 11, page 43).

Honiara Local Planning Scheme 2015
Link to document on the Ministry of Lands website.
Honiara City Council (HCC) published its Local Planning Scheme (LPS) in October 2015. The LPS replaced the previous scheme, and sets out planning rules for developments across Honiara City. The rules take into account hazard areas, such as areas adjacent to rivers and the ocean, and slopes over 45 degrees. The LPS includes maps showing zones and hazard overlays.
The Planning and Development Act 2017 requires provincial governments to carry out a study on the existing LPS every five years (Section 12). The study must propose any amendments considered necessary. This review is due to occur in 2020, given five years has passed since this document was released.

Other interesting resources
Climate change adaptation resources
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster and Meteorology (MECCDM) adaptation page (link to website)
- SPREP Ecosystem Based Adaptation project (link to website)
Climate Resilient Honiara (click here to skip to page)
Climate change mitigation resources
- MECCDM mitigation page (link to website)
- Sasaboe Forest Carbon project (link to information page)
- REDD+ Solomon Islands feasibility study - Tetepare (link to Pacific Climate Change portal website)
- Renewable energy - Tina River (link to project website)